
  • Keep Your Feet Firmly Planted on This Land and Look Out over the World

    The Natural Science Research Center at Kim Il Sung University has many promising young scientists who are displaying their high abilities with a global view. Some time ago I had a chance…

  • Final Victory is Ours: DPRK Army and People

    The DPRK army and people turned out as one in the anti-U.S. confrontation with towering hatred against Trump who made unprecedented rude nonsense of wiping the DPRK of 25 million…

  • War Maniac Must be Tamed with Fire

    A mentally deranged hooligan Trump recently spit out unprecedented rubbish at the UN General Assembly that he would totally destroy the DPRK. The DPRK solemnly warned that the way out…

  • Who Started the Korean War?

    Sixty-seven years have passed since the Korean war. But the US is, still today, struggling to distort the truth of its outbreak. Then, who started the Korean war? Drawing of…

  • DPRK People Vow to Wipe out American War Maniacs

    Servicepersons and civilians of the DPRK are afire with hatred against Trump who dared gabble about “totally destroying” the Korean nation even on the UN arena. Sin Kyong Chol, department…

  • Mt. Chilbo

    Mt. Chilbo, known as the “Mt. Kumgang of North Hamgyong” for its superb scenery of the mountain and sea as well as distinctive natural environment, long history and culture, is one of the celebrated mountains in Korea.

  • DPRK Foreign Minister on DPRK Government’s Stand

    DPRK Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho, who is participating in the 72nd UN General Assembly, made a speech at the plenary session of the UN General Assembly on September 23….

  • S. Korean Regime Should Awake from Daydream

    In the wake of the DPRK’s successful ICBM-ready H-bomb test, the international community contends that the DPRK should be recognized as a nuclear weapons state, while south Koreans are vocal…

  • Sanctions Resolution against DPRK is Provocation

    The U.S. cooked up another illegal sanctions resolution against the DPRK at the UN Security Council. This is an open provocation to the DPRK. It is a sheer sophism that…

  • Photographs Taken with Girl Soldiers

    Many touching stories have been written in the history of the Songun-based revolutionary leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Among them is an impressive story about the girl soldiers…

  • Sanctions Will Change Nothing

    The fabrication of sanctions resolution 2375 against the DPRK by the U.S. and its vassal forces is the silly act of those bereft of mental composure and ability to discern what catastrophic consequences their criminal acts will entail.

  • Rude Deed of Shameless Media​

    Some media of China are seriously hurting the line and social system of the DPRK and threatening the DPRK at a time when the U.S. and its vassal forces have…

  • Pongsan Mask Dance

    Pongsan mask dance, one of the folk dances in Korea, is famous in Pongsan area of North Hwanghae Province. The mask dance has its origin in music and dance played…

  • Medical Oxygen Factory

    The Medical Oxygen Factory is located in the suburbs of Pyongyang easy of access and surrounded by fresh thick foliage. The outward appearance that goes well with the natural scenery…

  • Able Architects Are Trained

    The Pyongyang University of Architecture is a renowned university which trains experts in architecture. Especially, it is counted as one of those universities with the greatest number of applicants, for it…

  • Jimmy Carter Wondered

    In summer 1994, former US President Jimmy Carter visited the DPRK. President Kim Il Sung had a talk with Carter aboard launch nimbly moving downstream the River Taedong. When passing by a place outside the city,…

  • Authorities on Clinical Medicine

    “Recently my institute has gained valuable achievements that contribute to development of the nation’s health technology. We are all determined to play the role of pioneer in developing the clinical…

  • Modern Pyongyang Bags Factory

    The increased production of various quality bags in the Pyongyang Bags Factory built neat and tidy in the Thongil Street, Pyongyang adds to the pleasure of the children and people….

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