The increased production of various quality bags in the Pyongyang Bags Factory built neat and tidy in the Thongil Street, Pyongyang adds to the pleasure of the children and people.

The factory is a capable modern bags production centre furnished with a firm material and technical basis able to produce satchels and various other bags relying on the domestic raw materials.

It has a perfect product samples room, cutting, sewing and packing workshops, sci-tech dissemination room, integral control room, technical preparation room and design room. All the production processes from cutting to sewing, printing, dyeing and finish are fitted out with latest home-made equipment including laser cutting machine.

Out of all the processes an emphasis is put to the designing in order to design multi-colored, diversified and better shaped bags. In particular various satchels win popularity among the students and pupils on account of various shapes and colors fit to their taste, liking and aesthetic sense.

At the Design Office

Saying that the Party intends to provide our children and people with home-made beautiful quality bags, the respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un personally initiated the building of the factory, guided the mock-up of the factory and solved the problems arising in the construction. He visited the factory when it started the new year production to express his expectation and conviction that they would make every effort to discharge their duty with parents’ care in bag production as for their children.


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