“Recently my institute has gained valuable achievements that contribute to development of the nation’s health technology. We are all determined to play the role of pioneer in developing the clinical medicine,” says O Hak Chol, director of the Clinical Institute, Pyongyang Medical College, Kim Il Sung University.
The institute was established in 1962 staffed with a small number of researchers in some departments like surgical and pediatric ones. Later it set up quite a few departments such as those of leucoderma, abdominal surgery, microplastic surgery and rheumatism, and has expanded the realm of research continuously. In the course of this it has achieved a lot and is now recognized as an authoritative establishment.

Researchers render service to development of the health technology of the nation.
Recently the microplastic surgery researchers succeeded in developing with their own efforts and technology a no-damage needle which had been the monopoly of only a few countries as an essential material for microplastic surgery. This brought a great progress in the field of microplastic surgery. Meanwhile, the researchers developed surgical methods of high difficulty including the technique of transplanting a bone with nutritional vessels and the one of elongating limbs, and applied them to treatment, thus bringing a lot of people back to normal conditions.
The researchers of the digestive system department developed Saengmyong (life), which is a natural active mineral-supplementing water, using natural minerals richly found in Korea. This drinking water is becoming popular with sportspeople and workers doing jobs of heavy physical burdens, as it plays a great role in reducing hepatic and digestive troubles due to physical activities. Deputy Director Kim Mu Nam says that they are making fuller studies of the water to further improve the effect.
The researchers of the leucoderma department are registering successes in the studies of leucoderma, an obstinate disease, by introducing advanced diagnostic and curative methods in accordance with the trend of modern medical development and by combining the modern and the traditional Korean medicine closely. By making a profound research they introduced a new remedy, which is based on the combination of surgical and medicinal treatments, into the clinical treatment and thus ensured upwards of 80 percent of efficiency. Along with this they are laying theoretical and practical foundations steadily by conducting studies of advanced curative techniques and different experiments.
The abdominal surgery department is also making an upsurge in their studies. They succeeded in the operation of removing invagination and fixing the appendix using the laparoscope, which is one of the most difficult abdominal operations. Their method makes it possible to leave a minimum scar and get well very fast after operation while ensuring a high cosmetic value of the scar. The researchers also made a success of the manufacturing of a miniature trocar for operation of abdominal cavity. This instrument is very simple in structure and costs much less than before, thus popular with the surgeons.
Thanks to the great courage of the researchers who are struggling to beat the world, the institute is producing novel results of high value without interruption.
Article: Sim Hyon Jin