
  • DPRK Will Finally Conclude Showdown with U.S. to Victory

    The Trump group has driven the tensions in the Korean Peninsula to the extremes, crying out for what they call “military option” against the DPRK. U.S. nuclear-powered carrier strike groups…

  • Kaesong Koryo Insam

    World-renowned Kaesong Koryo Insam has remarkable pharmaceutical efficacy for the special quality of soil and water and meteorological factors specific to the Kaesong area. It contains some ten kinds of glycoside good…

  • To Generate More Electric Power

    Huichon Power Station No. 2 which was built five years previously by the Korean army and people with the mettle of “Without a break” is buzzing with increased production of…

  • Light Industrial Establishments Boost Production in DPRK​

    The 28th National Exhibition of Consumer Goods held in the DPRK some days ago was a clear manifestation of developing light industry in the DPRK. On display at the exhibition…

  • DPRK Will Keep to Its Path

    The DPRK will dynamically advance on the road of triumph, firmly preserving its independent line in any storm and stress, no matter how desperately the enemies move to check it….

  • Unha Taesong Foodstuff Factory

    “Taeha”-branded foodstuffs produced by the Unha Taesong Foodstuff Factory in the DPRK enjoy popularity for their peculiar flavor and high hygienic safety. Over 300 kinds of foodstuffs are on sale…

  • Anju Pump Factory

    The Anju Pump Factory of the DPRK has produced various kinds of pumps this year and sent them to different sectors of national economy. Among them are pump for underground…

  • Popular Food Products

    The Sonhung Foodstuff Factory widely known across the country for its quality products is situated in Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang. Its considerable efforts exerted to the development of science and technology…

  • U.S. Bullying Diplomacy Can Never Work​

    The U.S. is making all efforts to realize “closely interlocked all-out pressure diplomacy toward the DPRK”, stirring up the whole world. Through the “diplomacy”, the U.S. envisages making other countries…

  • On the Last Day of Her Life

    Sad news was known to the world on 22nd September, Juche 38 (1949) on the sudden demise of anti-Japanese Heroine Kim Jong Suk. On the day of great sorrow of…

  • Kayagum, Korean National Musical Instrument

    Kayagum is one of the unique national musical instruments. It originates from Kaya Kingdom (a feudal minor state which existed in Korea from mid-1st century to mid-6th century), so was…

  • How Full Marks Come

    Chollimagori Primary School in  Phyongchon District, Pyongyang is famous for developing its pupils excellently. Every year lots of its graduates are admitted to schools of higher grade like Pyongyang Secondary…

  • Unified Medical Education

    Pyongyang Medical College of Kim Il Sung University is now striving to unify medical education as required by its mission as academic centre for the sector of the national medical education….

  • DIU, Root of Workers’ Party of Korea

    October 17, Juche 15 (1926), is recorded as a significant day in the modern history of Korea. That day, President Kim Il Sung in his teens formed the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU), the…

  • Achievements Made in Machine Industry​

    New products have been developed in the field of machine industry of the DPRK, as part of the efforts to put production processes on a Juche and modern basis. The…

  • Eternal Line

    Recently the Korean People succeeded in two rounds of test fire of intercontinental ballistic missiles Hwasong 14. This means they are powerful enough to put the whole territory of the US within range of their nukes.

  • Mangyongdae Revolutionary School

    70 years have passed after Mangyongdae Revolutionary School for bereaved children of revolutionary martyrs was founded in the DPRK. The school in Mangyongdae, the birthplace of President Kim Il Sung, was…

  • Rising Strategic Status of Korea Changes Landscape of Korea-US Confrontation

    In recent years, Korea’s strategic nuclear force has rapidly developed. This has made a drastic change in the landscape of the Korea-US confrontation.

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