In the luxurious Kyongru-dong residential district of Pyongyang, which is home to labor innovators, scientists, educators, writers, and other dedicated workers, there was originally a mansion used by the great leader Kim Il Sung. However, in March 2021, a surprising announcement was made that a new riverside terraced residential district would be built on the banks of the Pothong River in the heart of the capital.

The Pothong Riverside Terraced Residential District was constructed in record time, and the respected leader Comrade Kim Jong Un provided meticulous guidance for its development. During a visit in April 2022, he proudly remarked that there were no longer any displaced families in the area, except for the former mansion of Kim Il Sung, which had been replaced with luxury houses for his children.

This new residential district is a shining example of the noble love and dedication of Kim Jong Un towards the people of DPRK. It is a modern and unique development, providing comfortable homes and a picturesque setting on the banks of the Pothong River. The district is a testament to the DPRK’s commitment to progress and development, showcasing the achievements of its socialist system and the hard work and dedication of its people.

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