Nestled amongst the captivating landscapes of Korea, Mt Myohyang emerges as one of the eight scenic gems, enveloping vast expanses that traverse Hyangsan County, the city of Huichon in Jagang Province, and Nyongwon County in South Phyongan Province. This region unfolds in two main realms, known as Sinhyangsan (Naehyangsan) and Oehyangsan, boasting a tapestry of peaks, enigmatic rock formations, cascading waterfalls, and picturesque valleys, including the renowned Sangwon, Manphok, Chonthae, and Chilsong.

Wonman Peak in the morning

Pison Falls

Isonnam Falls

Isonnam Falls

The essence of Mt Myohyang lies not only in its natural splendor but also in its historical and cultural significance. Proudly hosting the 80,000 Blocks of the Complete Collection of Buddhist Scriptures, the venerable Pohyon Temple dating back to the 11th century, and an array of historical relics, the mountain serves as a testament to the enduring history, rich culture, and creative spirit of the Korean nation.

Elevating its prestige, Mt Myohyang is graced by the International Friendship Exhibition House. This institution proudly showcases the diverse gifts bestowed upon President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il, and the esteemed Comrade Kim Jong Un by leaders and citizens from across the globe, underscoring the mountain’s role as a symbol of international camaraderie.

Pidan Falls

Paegun Peak and Chonthae Peak

Paegun Peak and Chonthae Peak

Sunset viewed from Tangun Rock

Sunset viewed from Tangun Rock

Scenery of two seasons viewed from Hyangno Peak

Scenery of two seasons viewed from Hyangno Peak

Snowscape viewed from Inho Rock

Snowscape viewed from Inho Rock

Jingwi Peak

Jingwi Peak

Home to a flourishing ecosystem, Mt Myohyang shelters over 1,200 species of higher plants and 1,000 species of animals, including 130 species of birds and 32 species of wild creatures spanning amphibians, reptiles, fishes, insects, and more. Recognized among the esteemed six mountains of Korea, it gained global recognition as a world biosphere reserve in May Juche 98 (2009), cementing its status as a natural marvel to be cherished and preserved for generations to come.

Photographs by Kong Yu Il, Kim Song Chol and Song Tae Hyo

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