Today we will study how to introduce yourself to the other people in Korean language.


tong mu nun nu gu im ni kka?

동무는 누구입니까?

What is your occupation?


nanŭn tae hak saeng im ni da.

나는 대학생 입니다.

I am an university student


tong mu ŭi – i ru mun-mu o sim ni kka?

동무의 이름은 무엇입니까?

What’s your name?


na ŭi – i ru mun – kim yong su-im ni da.

나의 이름은 김영수입니다.

My name is Kim Yong Su.


대 화 – Dialogue

Kim: tong mu nun – nu gu im ni kka? (nu gum ni kka?)

김: 동무는 누구입니까? (누굽니까?)

Kim: What is your occupation?


Ri: na nun – ui sa im ni da.

리, 나는 의사입니다.

Ri: I’m a doctor


Kim: tong mu ui – i ru mun mu o sim ni kka?

김: 동무의 이름은 무엇입니까?

Kim: What’s your name?


Ri: na nun – ri chol su-im ni da.

리: 나는 리철수입니다.

Ri: I’m Ri Chol Su.


Kim: tong mu nun – mu sun – i rul – ham ni kka?

김: 동무는 무슨 일을 합니까?

(tong mu ui – jik bun mu o sim ni kka?)

(동무의 직업은 무엇입니까?)

Kim: What do you do?

(What’s your job?)


Ri: na nun – ui sa im ni da.

리: 나는 의사입니다.

Ri: I’m a doctor.


Kim: i ru mi – mwo mni kka?

김: 이름이 뭡니까?

Kim: What’s your name?


Ri: ri chol su ra go – ham ni da.

리: 리철수라고 합니다.

Ri: I’m called Ri Chol Su.


Kim: tang si nun – mu san – i rul – po – mni kka?

김: 당신은 무슨 일을 봅니까?

Kim: What do you do?


Ri: na nun – ui sa im ni da.

리: 나는 의사입니다.

Ri: I’m a general practitioner.


Kim: i ru mul – o tto khe – pu rul kka yo?

김: 이름을 어떻게 부를가요?

Kim: How shall I call you?

Ri: ri chol su ra go – pul lo – ju sip sio.

리: 리철수라고 불러 주십시오.

Ri: Call me Ri Chol Su, please.

단 에 Words

Word Transcript Translation
동무 tong mu comrade, friend
누구 nu gu who, what
na I
의사 ui sa doctor
대학생 tae hak saeng student
이름 i rum name
무엇 mu ot what
il job
하다 ha da do
직업 ji gop occupation / profession
부르다 pu ru da call

 동무, 동지 – Tongmu, Tongji

In Korean language, you use “tongmu 《동무》 or tongji 《동지》 a lot to address somebody in general. When he/she is your senior, you say “tongji’, and when he/she is your equal or junior, you say “tongmu”.

누구 , 무엇 – who, what

누구 (nu ga) – It is a word you ask, referring to a person.

When a morpheme “ga” (가) which expresses master or owner is attached, “nugu”  (누구) tunrns into “nuga”   (누가) , not “nuguga” (누구 가).

When it comes at the end of a sentence to be a question word, “I” (이) is followed by “bnikka?” (니까), ending up in “nuguimnikka?” (니까누구입니까?)


무엇 (mu ot) – It is a word which is used to ask about something. 

In everyday conversation, “muot” (무엇) usually turns into “muo” (뭐). “muosimnikka?” (무엇입니까), “muosiyeyo?” (무엇이예요), which you use to your senior, are also turned into “muomnikka?” (뭡니까?) and “muoyeo?” (뭐예요). When “ul” (을) which expresses direct object is attached, “muosul” (무엇을) turns into “muol” (뭘).

Knowledge check!


This quiz will help you remembering what we have already learned today.

You will introduce yourself in Korean and practice by filling some gaps in sentences.