Pine is the national tree of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is an evergreen needle-leaf tall tree belonging to Pinaceae. It grows in the wide area under 800 metres above the sea level except the highlands in the northern part of Korea. Pine is 20 to 40 metres high and when it grows about 10 years, it has flowers and cones. As it is not sensitive to soil, it grows well on the fertile land, barren land, sandy soil and fields and by seashore.
From olden times the Korean people planted and cultivated pine, regarding it as a symbol of unchangeable constancy and will, manly firmness and longevity, and in the course they came to love it specially.
People regarded the green pine woods as a typical natural scenery. Such natural environment was kept in the mind of the Korean nation and people often liked drawing pine and describing it in literary works including poems.
People also depicted 10 things including pine symbolizing long life and good health in their fine art works and ornaments, hoping to live long.
The Korean people planted a lot of pines not only on mountains and hills and but also around their houses.
The Korean nation regarded pine as a symbol of the strong national spirit from olden times because it is evergreen and has strong vitality. Even in terrible midwinter pine remains green, showing firmness and uprightness overcoming winter. So the Korean nation has given its will and stamina to the strong pine.
It is proved well by the legacy of proverbs concerning the pine.
Such proverbs as “In winter we can know that pine is green meaning a hero is only known in the time of misfortune” show the firm constancy of the unyielding Korean nation.
Like this, the Korean people have considered pine as a symbol of national spirit and soul.
The pine embodying the spirit of the Korean nation is still green, loved by the Korean people.