A spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) issued the following statement on Tuesday:

Timed to coincide with the fabrication of the heinous “sanctions resolution” against the DPRK at the UN, the U.S. war-thirsty forces are engrossed in war hysteria without discretion.

In the U.S. Trump is talking rhetoric without hesitation that “he will not rule out a war against the north rather than taking a folded-arm approach towards its development of long-range nuclear missile advancing with a rapid speed” and “even if a war breaks out, it will be fought on the Korean peninsula and even though thousands are killed, they will be there, not in the U.S. mainland.”

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Haley is openly saying that the “U.S. has the inexhaustible power” and “it will exercise the right to all the military options”.

An assistant to the President for National Security is saying that “if the north has access to the nuclear weapons capable of threatening the U.S., it is an intolerable thing for the president. Therefore, the U.S. is preparing all the military options including a fresh preventive war for neutralizing the north’s nuclear strike capabilities”.

The military warmongers of the Pentagon such as Secretary of Defence Mattis, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Dunford and commander of the U.S. combined special warfare are chiming in, unhesitatingly talking about the necessity of the “beheading operation”, “preemptive strike at the north”, “secret operation”, “internal harassing operation” and “special operation”.

Timed to coincide with this, the 82nd airborne division, the U.S. imperialist forces’ only air-dropping one, went into a large-scale airdrop and mobile drill, anticipating its involvement in the Korean front and the 25th light infantry division and the 10th mountain division are running high fever in their drills for getting familiar with the terrain of the Korean peninsula.

Navy SEAL which earned an ill-fame across the world and other special warfare units specializing in terrorist operations were urgently dispatched to south Korea. The plan for

bringing strategic assets including B-52, B-1B, B-2A and F-22 formations to south Korea is in the pipeline.

At the Edward Air Force Base in California State B-52H formations are busy making preparations for a “secret operation” aimed to create chaos within the depth of the KPA, while staging a drill of dropping PDU-5/B bombs containing propaganda leaflets for psychological warfare.

The U.S. plans to bring huge naval forces including its two nuclear aircraft carrier task forces and a nuclear sub to the waters off the Korean peninsula.

All these military actions being conducted in the ground, sea and air clearly go to prove that the nuclear war hysteria of the U.S. authorities including Trump has reached an extremely reckless and rash phase for an actual war after crossing the red line.

Under the prevailing grave situation, the General Staff of the KPA clarifies at home and abroad its resolute stand as follows to mercilessly smash all sorts of military provocation, being planned by the U.S. imperialist warmongers, with the inexhaustible military might of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army which has so far been built.

1. The KPA will start the Korean-style preemptive retaliatory operation of justice to wipe out the group of despicable plot-breeders once a slight sign of the U.S. provocation scheming to dare carry out a “beheading operation” against the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution out of wild calculation is detected.

The “beheading operation” being pursued by the U.S. is just an extremely imprudent and heinous operation for “eliminating” the supreme headquarters of the DPRK, which has long been premeditated by the U.S. to “put under its control” Pyongyang where the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution are located and neutralize the use of nukes and strategic rockets.

Once the U.S. shows a sign of starting to carry out the foolhardy plot, we will launch the Korean-style pre-emptive retaliatory operation of justice to annihilate the masterminds of the thrice-cursed operation and all the criminals involved in it.

No matter how much specially they have been trained and prepared, the commandos group will be completely eliminated outside the blockade lines of the seas, underwater and air of the DPRK in which its sovereignty is exercised and on the line before the Military Demarcation Line before they reach the supreme headquarters.

We have a world’s best special operation force, not merely a “team” or platoon or company or battalion in its scale.

Once the pent-up indignation of the service personnel of the special operation force of the KPA, which regards it as the greatest mission of the army of the leader and the party and the first maxim of soldiers to devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution, against the U.S. and other enemies erupts, the U.S. will be forced to suffer an imaginably terrible disaster for the “beheading operation.”

The world will clearly witness how the fate of Trump and war merchants crying out for “not ruling out a war” and daring attempt to hurt the supreme dignity of the DPRK and eliminate its supreme headquarters will end in miseries once the fully prepared heroic special operation force group of the KPA on standby launches its operation.

2. The provocative “preventive war” the U.S. has devised and plans to execute will be countered with a just all-out war of wiping out all the strongholds of the enemies including the U.S. mainland.

The “preventive war” allegedly under the preparations by the security think tank of Trump is an extremely provocative aggression war concept envisaging a sudden strike at the nuclear and rocket bases of the DPRK, which have the U.S. mainland within their striking range, and preventing possible danger of the U.S.

Inventors of the “preventive war” admitted themselves that their act is a brigandish military option that can cause an international uproar.

Yet, they set the northern half of the Republic, in which the sovereignty of the DPRK is exercised, as the theatre of the “preventive war” and claim it can be an “ideal option” unharmful to them as only Koreans will die there.

This is a silly idea bereft of elementary sense, cognition and discretion of those ignorant of how things change, who their rival is and where the trend goes.

War is by no means a game.

The U.S. should remembered, however, that once there observed a sign of action for “preventive war” from the U.S., the army of the DPRK will turn the U.S. mainland into the theatre of a nuclear war before the inviolable land of the DPRK turns into the one.

We do not hide that we already have in full readiness the diversified strategic nuclear strike means which have the U.S. mainland in our striking range.

3. The attempt at “preemptive attack” oft-repeated by the U.S. military warmongers will be mercilessly foiled by the Korean style preemptive attack which will be mounted earlier.

Preemptive strike is no longer the monopoly of the U.S.

The DPRK has its own style peculiar preemptive strike mode capable of holding back any military preemptive attack of the U.S. in advance as it has made preparations for a do-or-die confrontation with the U.S. imperialist aggressors for decades.

It is ridiculous to talk about preemptive strike at the nuclear and rocket bases of the DPRK.

The Korean-style earlier preemptive attack will burn up all the objects in the areas under the control of the first and third field armies of the puppet forces including Seoul the moment the U.S. reckless attempt at preemptive attack is spotted, and will lead to the all-out attack for neutralizing the launch bases of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces in the Pacific operational theatre together with the simultaneous strike at the depth of the whole of the southern half.

All the strike means to be involved in the Korean-style earlier preemptive strike are ready to open fire of justice by order which can be made any moment.

4. The U.S. “secret operation” targeting the creation of disorder inside the DPRK and a regime change in it will be foiled by its all-people resistance.

The “secret operation” touted by the U.S. policy-makers is a foolish scheme aimed at bringing down the social system of the DPRK, in combination with psychological warfare after creating disarrangement with such disorderly conducts as murder, arson, destruction with the use of rogue-like special commandoes to be infiltrated into the DPRK.

In order to realize this scheme, a large-size bomb-dropping drill for psychological warfare is being conducted in the U.S. mainland.

The “secret operation” is a type of special operation which the U.S. applied to countries in Mid-east like Iraq and Libya and several other countries in Africa and Europe.

The anti-U.S. resistance of all the people including three million Children’s Union members and five million youths will smash to pieces the “secret operation” which the U.S. dreams to conduct in the DPRK.

A saying goes that a war with full knowledge of oneself and one’s rival will emerge ever-victorious but a war without knowledge of oneself and one’s rival would always end in loss.

The U.S. has gone hysteric, being quite unaware of the army and people of the DPRK.

The DPRK is an invincible ideological power in which all the service personnel and people are united around their leader in single mind and a country of an impregnable fortress in which all the people are armed and the whole country has been fortified.

The U.S. policy-makers have no idea that the country on a declining slope is none other than the American empire where they reside. Herein lies their tragedy.

This means that the U.S. is bound to meet a miserable end as it goes helter-skelter without knowledge of itself and its rival.

Those who make their way to this land for their dirty dream can never be scot-free as the entire army and people tightly hold arms with strong hatred and hostility toward the U.S.

The officers and men of the Korean People’s Army and the members of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the Young Red Guards replete with the transparent spirit of devotedly safeguarding the leader and defending the country are waiting for the time of do-or-die battle while closely following the every move of the U.S. imperialist aggressors.

The U.S. should not forget even a moment that its mean and crafty attempt at an aggression war against the DPRK will further strengthen the intensity of the military counteraction of the Korean People’s Army.

Should the U.S. finally opt for a reckless military adventure, defying the stern warning of our revolutionary armed forces, the tragic end of the American empire will be hastened.

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