The 4th Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) took place at the headquarters building of the C.C., WPK on Wednesday.

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the WPK, guided the plenary meeting.

Attending the meeting were members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, members and alternate members of the Political Bureau, members and alternate members of the WPK Central Committee and members of the Central Auditing Commission of the WPK.

Vice directors of some departments of WPK Central Committee and other members were on hand as observers.

Kim Jong Un chaired the meeting upon authorization of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee.

The plenary meeting discussed agendas as follows:

On holding higher the banner of self-reliance in the socialist construction

On the plan of formation of state leadership bodies to be presented to the First Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly

Organizational affairs

There was discussion on the first agenda at the plenary meeting.

Kim Jong Un made a report on the first agenda.

He in his report made a scientific analysis of the changed international landscape and the peculiarities of the present situation becoming daily acute and clarified the main tenor of the recent DPRK-U.S. summit talks and the Party’s stand towards it. He underscored the need to more vigorously advance socialist construction by dint of self-supporting national economy suited to the specific local conditions of our country based on our efforts, technology and resources under the uplifted banner of self-reliance, so as to deal a telling blow to the hostile forces who go with bloodshot eyes miscalculating that sanctions can bring the DPRK to its knees.

He reviewed and analyzed the successes and faults in the struggle for speeding up the socialist construction under the uplifted banner of self-reliance after the 7th Congress of the WPK, and set forth immediate objectives and tasks to be carried out without fail in further demonstrating the might of the self-supporting economy.

He referred to the great achievements for socialist construction made in all the fields and regions and by units through the indomitable offensive under the banner of self-reliance and self-sufficiency in recent years.

He noted that a great progress was registered in the struggle to make the national economy Juche-based and self-supporting and the reserved strength of the DPRK and tremendous potential of its independent economy were vividly demonstrated at home and abroad, adding that through the remarkable successes achieved in socialist construction he could keenly feel that our line was right over and over again.

Self-reliance and self-supporting national economy are the bedrock of the existence of our own style socialism, the motive power of its advance and development and the eternal lifeline essential to the destiny of our revolution, he stressed.

Noting that the first and foremost issue arising in accelerating socialist construction under the uplifted banner of self-reliance is to secure a sure guarantee for putting the national economy on a new phase of growth by expanding and reinforcing the foundation of self-supporting economy, he clarified in detail the immediate tasks for sectors of the national economy.

Officials in all the fields and units should do their best for the development of science and education, bearing in mind that the success of relevant fields and units as well as the present and future of socialist construction depend on the thorough implementation of the Party’s policy of attaching importance to science and education and talents, he said.

He put special stress on decisively enhancing the role of the Party organizations in the struggle to vigorously speed up the socialist construction under the uplifted banner of self-reliance.

Speeches were made on the first agenda.

Speakers extended unanimous and full support to the historic report of Kim Jong Un that clarified the immortal guidelines to be adhered to as the lifeline in the struggle for building the powerful socialist country.

The meeting discussed the second agenda.

Kim Jong Un presented for discussion a proposal for the formation of the state leadership bodies, including the State Affairs Commission, the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly and the Cabinet of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to be submitted to the First Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly.

The plenary meeting decided with unanimous approval to submit the proposal to the First Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly.

The plenary meeting discussed the organizational affairs, the third agenda.

It recalled and by-elected members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and members and alternate members of the Political Bureau.

Kim Jae Ryong, Ri Man Gon, Choe Hwi, Pak Thae Dok, Kim Su Gil, Thae Hyong Chol and Jong Kyong Thaek were by-elected as members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee.

Jo Yong Won, Kim Tok Hun, Ri Ryong Nam, Pak Jong Nam, Ri Hi Yong and Jo Chun Ryong were by-elected as alternate members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee.

The plenary meeting recalled and by-elected members and alternate members of the Party Central Committee and member of the Party Central Auditing Commission.

It disestablished and elected vice-chairmen of the Party Central Committee.

Pak Pong Ju and Ri Man Gon were elected as vice-chairmen of the Party Central Committee.

The plenary meeting recalled and by-elected members of the Party Central Military Commission.

Kim Jae Ryong, Ri Man Gon, Thae Jong Su and Kim Jo Guk were by-elected as members of the Party Central Military Commission.

It disestablished and appointed directors of some departments of the Party Central Committee.

Ri Man Gon, Jang Kum Chol and Kim Tong Il were appointed as department directors of the Party Central Committee.

First vice department directors of the Party Central Committee were appointed.

Jo Yong Won, Kim Jo Guk and Kim Yong Su were appointed as first vice department directors of the Party Central Committee.

The meeting disestablished and appointed chairmen of the Provincial Party Committees.

Kang Pong Hun was appointed as chairman of the Jagang Provincial Party Committee, Pak Chang Ho as chairman of the North Hwanghae Provincial Party Committee, Ri Chol Man as chairman of the South Hwanghae Provincial Party Committee and Kim Chol Sam as chairman of the Nampho City Party Committee.

Kim Jong Un made a historic conclusion at the plenary meeting.

He emphasized some issues arising in applying the revolutionary stand and the principle of self-reliance.

First of all, he underlined the need to make a clear understanding of the intention of the Party Central Committee which raised the issue of holding higher the banner of self-reliance as the main agenda of the current plenary meeting.

He stressed that the basic spirit of the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Party Central Committee is that the entire party, the whole country and all the people should courageously wage an all-out death-defying campaign to bring about a great surge in socialist construction by taking self-reliance as a treasured sword of prosperity today when the building of an economic power is raised as the main political task.

He underlined the need to vigorously wage a grand advance for attaining the goals of economic construction set forth by the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee to give full play to the offensive stamina of the country and confidently switch over to a new stage of growth.

He also emphasized the importance of duty and role of the officials in properly drawing up the strategy of self-reliance and organizing all work on a scientific basis.

He stressed the need for the party organizations and working people’s organizations to dynamically wage the political work for powerfully arousing all the party members and other working people to the grand march of self-reliance and thus make the whole country seethe with a new revolutionary atmosphere.

To thoroughly establish the socialist lifestyle is an important work for maintaining the Juche character and national identity and preserving the true nature of socialism and giving full play to its advantages in the field of cultural life, he said. He advanced the tasks facing the party organizations and officials in the struggle to do so.

He expressed the expectation and conviction that all the officials, party members and other working people would vigorously wage the grand march of self-reliance to successfully attain the goals of struggle set forth by the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Party Central Committee and thus achieve a new development in socialist construction and powerfully demonstrate once again the might of the country winning victory after victory with the might of self-development.