Respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un gave field guidance to the Sungri Motor Complex which successfully carried out the task for producing new style trucks given by the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) by displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance.
He went round the Sungrisan Revolutionary Museum, the room dedicated to the history of the complex and the room preserving revolutionary historic mementoes.
He saw with deep emotion the photo of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il watching Sungri-58 truck produced by the Tokchon Automobile Plant, predecessor of the Sungri Motor Complex, on May 16, 1965. He said it was a photo of great significance and that the complex could make a great contribution to developing economy and strengthening defence capability of the country by producing a lot of various trucks under the wise and careful leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
He watched new style five-ton trucks produced by the complex.
Watching with a bright smile on his face trucks standing in rows full in the broad park, he said they were trucks of Juche Korea manufactured by our workers with their own efforts and he was encouraged and satisfied to see the trucks, extending militant greetings to the workers of the complex.
He personally drove a truck to learn in detail about its performance and technical specifications.
He noted that the handsome and attractive five ton-trucks of our style were precious wealth produced in the Mallima era.
He added that the newly produced five-ton trucks proved that the hostile forces’ desperate efforts to block the advance of the DPRK make the indomitable spirit of the Korean workers stronger and make them produce a great miracle startling the world.
After going round the assembling shop, precision processing shop, engine shop and other places, he gave the production assignment for next year and set forth important tasks facing the complex.
It is very important for the country to produce trucks by itself in order to develop economy and strengthen national power, he stated, calling for remodeling and updating the complex as required by the new century so that it can massively produce modern trucks.
He expressed belief that the officials and workers of the complex would successfully carry out the task advanced by the Party for remodeling and updating the complex and thus make a positive contribution to fully satisfying the daily-increasing need for transportation.
He had a photo session with them.
Accompanying him were O Su Yong and Pak Thae Song, vice-chairmen of the C.C., WPK, and Jo Yong Won, vice department director of the C.C., WPK.