The respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un visited the Martyrs Cemetery of the Chinese People’s Volunteers in Hoechang County, South Phyongan Province to lay a wreath on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the victory in the great Fatherland Liberation War.

Present at wreath-laying ceremony were Ri Su Yong, Kim Yong Chol, Ri Yong Ho and No Kwang Chol.

Laid at the martyrs tower of the CPV were a wreath in the name of Kim Jong Un and a wreath in the joint name of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the Central Military Commission of the WPK, and the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK.

The Supreme Leader paid a silent tribute to the martyrs of the CPV in memory of them.

Then, wreaths in the name of Kim Jong Un and in the joint name of the C.C., WPK, CMC of the WPK, and SAC of the DPRK were laid at the grave of Mao Anying.

He paid a silent tribute to Mao Anying in memory of him.

He went round graves of the martyrs of the CPV.

He said with deep emotion that during the last Fatherland Liberation War, the party, government and people of China dispatched their fine sons and daughters to the Korean front without hesitation despite many difficulties in the early period of building a country to help the Korean people in their cause of justice at the cost of blood and made an immortal contribution to the victory in the war.

The blood of the Chinese comrades permeated the mountains and streams, trees and plants on this land and the soul of the Korean revolutionaries settled on the vast land of China, he said, adding the DPRK-China relations are developing into special and durable friendly relations unprecedented in history as they were forged in firm militant friendship and genuine trust deepened at the cost of blood and life, not merely for the reason that the two countries are geographically close with each other.

Noting that the feats the Chinese comrades performed by defending the just cause at the risk of their lives and achieving peace at the cost of their blood when the Korean people faced the hardest dead-or-alive situation will always remain in the hearts of the Korean people, he said that the Korean people would as ever take pride in having the creditable fraternal country and the great friend like the People’s Republic of China.

Saying that it is the due responsibility, moral sense of obligation and noble mission of the Korean people to add eternal luster to the exploits performed by the service personnel of the Chinese People’s Volunteers who found themselves on the Korean front and displayed matchless bravery and self-sacrificing spirit, he underlined the need to spruce up and keep better the cemeteries of the martyrs of the CPV across the country in a sincere manner as their own flesh and blood would do.