To Respected Comrade Hu Jong Man, Chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan,

On the occasion of your 88th birthday, I extend my heartfelt congratulations, conveying the sincere blessings of our great leader and the warm wishes of our family.

As the Chairman, you have devoted your entire life to the cause of reunification and prosperity of our country, and the dignified life and happiness of the overseas compatriots in Japan. You are a true revolutionary fighter and a renowned activist in the overseas Korean movement.

Our Party and government highly appreciate your outstanding contributions in preserving and developing the General Association, a legacy of patriotism bequeathed by the great leader and the great commander, which sings the song of comradely love as a hymn of faith and loyalty, even in the stormy winds of this changing world.

Dear Comrade Huh Jong Man, I cherish the precious title of being your lifelong companion in the great cause of Juche and sincerely wish you good health and happiness with your family. Let us work together to usher in a new era of rejuvenation for the General Association.

Kim Jong Un

Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Pyongyang, February 22, Juche 112 (2023)