The great Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) is leading the revolutionary struggle to a new victory while overcoming the harsh situation, invariably holding aloft the banner of independence in politics, self-sustenance in the economy and self-reliance in national defence. This struggle is the greatest cause of making a fresh change and development in the course of certainly building Korean-style socialism, in which all the people live with nothing to envy.

The Party Central Committee, which is bringing earlier the future of socialist construction in our own way and with our own efforts from A to Z, set forth a medium and long-term strategy for the final solution of the rural question assuming the protracted and multi-faceted character at the historic Plenary Meeting in December Juche 110 (2021). After setting a grand economic development goal for national prosperity, it has confidently led the purposeful and phased struggle for its realization.

The plenary meeting of the WPK Central Committee had a discussion of historic significance to comprehensively analyze and review the work for 2022, the first year of implementing the programme for the rural revolution in the new era, and further concretize the important tasks and long-term objectives for putting the agricultural production on a stable and sustained growth track and the urgent tasks arising at the present stage of the national economic development and the practical ways for carrying them out.

The 7th enlarged plenary meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK took place at the office building of the WPK Central Committee, the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution, from February 26 to March 1, Juche 112 (2023) to provide the guidelines for struggle that will dynamically accelerate the innovative development in Korean-style socialist construction.

Attending it were Kim Tok Hun and Jo Yong Won, members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK, and members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK and members and alternate members of the C.C., WPK. And present as observers were officials of departments of the C.C., WPK, officials of the Cabinet, ministries, national institutions and leadership bodies of provincial, city and county level and officials in the agricultural field and relevant sectors and units.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, was present at the plenary meeting.

When General Secretary Kim Jong Un took the platform, all the participants broke into cheers of “Hurrah!”, looking up to him who is developing the WPK into invincible vanguard ranks and dynamically opening up a bright future of the socialist cause with his profound ideo-theoretical wisdom and distinguished leadership activities.

The plenary meeting elected its presidium with relevant members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee.

The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee authorized Kim Jong Un to preside over the plenary meeting.

Kim Jong Un clarified the purpose of discussion at the 7th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK and made an analysis and evaluation of the WPK Central Committee on the first year’s work for implementing the new programme for rural revolution.

He stressed that it is urgently necessary to find out and remove in time the internal factors that have negative effect on the development of agriculture, in order to definitely put the agricultural production on a stable track of development in the near future and substantially strengthen the political, ideological, material and technical foundations of the countryside.

Therefore, at the current plenary meeting the Party Central Committee should make a correct assessment of the whole course of last year’s farming from the scientific, anatomical, subjective and objective point of view to draw up relevant measures, and clearly decide once again on the urgent and essential tasks and ways for this year’s farming and for laying a foundation for the long-term development of agriculture, he said.

He declared the plenary meeting open, saying that all the participants should make the meeting an important turning point in opening up a definite prospect for the development of agriculture and a decisive occasion of making a breakthrough in the economic construction and the improvement of the people’s living standard, mindful of its importance.

The following agenda items were brought up at the meeting:

1. On the first year’s struggle for the implementation of the programme for the rural revolution in the new era and on some important tasks

2. On thoroughly establishing a discipline of implementing the national economic plan

3. On the immediate matters arising in improving the state financial work

4. Organizational matters

The plenary meeting unanimously approved the presented agenda items.

It heard a report on the work for 2022 to implement the programme for the rural revolution in the new era over the first agenda item.

The report referred in a many-sided and anatomical way to the successes made in the first year’s work for implementing the Party’s rural development strategy and the deviations and lessons to be corrected and overcome.

Secretaries of the Party Central Committee made speeches and senior officials in various sectors made written speeches.

The plenary meeting listened to and analyzed the report and speeches and made a relevant evaluation.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made an important concluding speech “On the Immediate Tasks Arising in This Year’s Farming and the Long-term Objectives for Agricultural Development” over the first agenda item.

In his concluding speech, he said that the WPK has attached importance to the rural question as a strategic one which should be settled without fail in accomplishing the cause of building socialism and communism and has consistently paid deep attention to its correct solution, and clarified the plan to vigorously usher in a new era of the rural development as required by the stage of the overall development of socialist construction.

Saying that in order to successfully solve the rural question, it is necessary to set a scientific stage and goal and wage a purposeful struggle as to attain the goal for the socialist rural construction is a gigantic and serious revolution, he stressed once again the historic significance and importance of the programme for the rural revolution in the new era.

The programme for the rural revolution is an expression of the unshakable faith and will of the WPK to clearly indicate the important stages for transformation of the rural communities and the goals to be attained in conformity with the changing times and the requirements of the revolution after the publication of the socialist rural theses and to build rich and highly-civilized socialist rural communities with advanced technology and modern civilization which will be translated into reality in the near future.

The concluding speech raised again the revolutionary change of the rural communities at the present stage of struggle as an important revolutionary task for achieving the prosperity and development of the state and the promotion of the people’s well-being, and put forward the principled matters to be maintained in implementing the programme for the socialist rural revolution in a perfect way.

It referred to the intention of the Party Central Committee which set the attainment of the grain production goal as the first target of the 12 major goals for the national economic development and the main purpose of the current enlarged plenary meeting, and raised the main goals and tasks for agricultural development.

It is necessary to set it as a priority task in ensuring the stable development of agriculture at present to accelerate the completion of the overall irrigation system to cope with abnormal climatic phenomena, and dynamically push ahead with the irrigation project planned for this year and perfect the irrigation system of the country in the period of the five-year plan.

The machine-building industry and agricultural sectors should produce and supply to the rural communities more new and high-efficient farm machines which are the most necessary and effective in putting the agricultural production on a modern and advanced basis, while steadily propelling the work for renovating the farm machine sector in an innovative way.

Another crucial task which should be dynamically hastened nationwide for the agricultural development of the country is to reclaim tidelands and extend the cultivated areas.

The Agricultural Commission, the Academy of Agricultural Science and the State Hydro-meteorological Administration should play their role in a responsible manner and it is important to dynamically push ahead with the work to put the foundation for development of the agricultural science and technology on a high level, including the work to make scientific research units up-to-date.

Stressing the importance to improve the guidance on farming, the concluding speech clarified the principled matters to be maintained in the agricultural production guidance and the ways for carrying them into practice.

In order to increase the nationwide agricultural output, attention should be paid to overcoming the lopsidedness in the guidance on farming and keeping the balance to be responsible for farming as a whole and it is important to concentrate on increasing the per-hectare yield at all the farms. This is an important principle for guidance on the agricultural production.

The General Secretary stressed the need to enhance the role of the provincial, city and county guidance organs and all the farms in attaining the long-term objectives of agricultural development.

Last year, in the course of pressing ahead with the construction of modern rural houses on a full scale throughout the country, true to the resolutions of the Eighth Party Congress and the programme for rural revolution in the new era, we gained valuable experience and lessons and found an effective methodology for dynamically pushing ahead with the rural construction on a nationwide scale. They serve as a precious springboard and asset in our struggle to bring about epochal changes in the rural development.

The concluding speech put forward the measures for further expanding the rural construction this year and the policy-oriented tasks to be prioritized and pushed forward by cities and counties.

In order to attain the gigantic long-term objectives of rural development, it is necessary to decisively strengthen the Party guidance over the agricultural sector and improve the rural Party work.

Saying that nothing is impossible as long as there are the powerful leadership system established throughout the Party and the united strength of all the people, he ardently called for attaining this year’s grain production goal without fail and successfully achieving the long-term objectives of agricultural development for the sake of the comprehensive development in socialist construction and the self-dependence of the state and well-being of the people.

The historic concluding speech by the General Secretary, which comprehensively deals with the practical strategies for achieving the sustained and systematic development of agricultural production and turning the countryside into civilized and rich socialist ideal villages under the uplifted banner of rural revolution, was fully supported and approved by all the participants.

His concluding speech based on profound originality and scientific accuracy is a weapon of change that provided a springboard for an epochal leap in pushing forward with the gigantic process for implementing the programme for rural revolution in the new era, and the militant banner and immortal great programme encouraging the historic advance of the whole Party and all the people full of confidence in their own ideals and strength to a great victory.

The plenary meeting discussed the second agenda item “On thoroughly establishing the discipline of implementing the national economic plan”.

The General Secretary mentioned the intention of dealing with the issue of discipline for implementing the national economic plan as a major agenda item at the plenary meeting, and the positive changes and deviations the economic sectors and units have made in the course of carrying out their plans to implement the resolutions of the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK.

Once the national economic plan is worked out, no one has the right to change, he said, adding that officials in the economic field should make strenuous efforts to carry it into practice with a correct viewpoint on its implementation while foreseeing possible difficulties and finding ways to overcome them.

He stressed the need for all Party organizations to intensify the struggle against the practices of weakening the organizational and executive power of the Cabinet, the economic headquarters of the country, and thoroughly orient and subordinate the Party work to the implementation of the Party’s policies, thus getting their working efficiency verified in the practical struggle for attaining the 12 major goals for the development of the national economy this year.

The plenary meeting heard a report on practical measures for thoroughly establishing the discipline of implementing the national economic plan.

The plenary meeting discussed the third agenda item “On the immediate matters arising in improving the state financial work”.

Premier Kim Tok Hun made a report.

The report referred to urgent practical issues, including those of strengthening the country’s financial foundation and financial discipline, improving banking and putting the state financial system on a more scientific basis, all of which will render financial support to the comprehensive development of the Korean-style socialist construction.

The plenary meeting held sectional study and consultative meetings to draw up a thorough and correct plan for implementing the strategy for rural development set forth by the General Secretary in his important concluding speech and further accelerating the economic development.

Cadres of the Party and government guided the sectional meetings.

The meetings, held divided into eight sections, heard open, innovative and progressive opinions based on deep study of agenda-related issues according to the main idea of the historic concluding speech and worked out scientific measures, substantial operational plans, of which feasibility has been thoroughly examined through serious discussion.

The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee examined the draft resolution reflecting new goals and ways for attaining them to bring about fundamental innovations and substantial change and development in agricultural production and economic construction, and presented it to the plenary meeting for approval.

The plenary meeting unanimously approved the development-oriented resolution for brilliantly materializing the great programme for socialist rural revolution.

And an important issue for developing economy was adopted as a resolution.

The plenary meeting decided to amend and supplement some provisions of the reslution of the 6th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee.

The plenary meeting discussed the organizational matters as the fourth agenda item.

It recalled and by-elected members and alternate members of the WPK Central Committee.

Kim Song Jun was by-elected as member of the WPK Central Committee from alternate member, and Choe Tong Myong, An Kum Chol, Choe Kun Yong and Jong Myong Do were by-elected directly as members of the WPK Central Committee.

Kim Kwang Un, Jang Yong Chol and Sonu Yong Hyok were by-elected as alternate members of the WPK Central Committee.

It dismissed and appointed a department director of the WPK Central Committee.

Choe Tong Myong was appointed as department director of the C.C., WPK.

Cadres of the government organs were dismissed and appointed.

An Kum Chol was appointed as minister of Metallurgical Industry and Choe Kun Yong as president of the Central Court.

Kim Jong Un made a closing address.

Noting that the Seventh Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK, held in the period of key importance in the development of our revolution, is of great significance in the struggle of our Party and people, he said that the plenary meeting set more definite proposals for decisively putting agriculture, one of the two major fields of socialist economic construction, on a stable and sustained development track in a few years to come and provided a turning point for accelerating the overall prosperity of the state.

For each sector and unit to give mental and moral, material and technical support and assistance to the rural communities should be a trend of the whole society, he said, mentioning once again the important principles and ways for bringing about a fundamental change in the development of agriculture.

Expressing expectation that all the officials including members of the leadership body of the Party Central Committee would creditably perform their duties as the banner of struggle and standard-bearers of advance in overcoming the obstacles lying on the way of socialist construction, deeply aware of the great trust of the people, he declared the plenary meeting closed.

The Seventh Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK will serve as a milestone of new leap which is of epochal significance in ushering in a great new era of rapid development of the socialist countryside, a heyday of the self-supporting economic development, and as an important political occasion of markedly elating the enthusiasm and vigor for struggle of all the people indomitably advancing with confidence in the validity of the socialist cause and our potentiality and spirit.