Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK, gave field guidance to Farm No. 1116 under KPA Unit 810.

Visiting the farm in September last year, he took measures to build an institute as befitting the institute of latest agricultural science and another modern greenhouse and turn a neighboring farm into its experimental farm.

He looked round high-yielding varieties of crops like maize “Phyongok 9”, “Dry-field rice 24” and kaoliang-maize cultivated by the farm and went to the newly built three-story institute.

Going round every part of the institute, he said it was successfully built as a base for research into latest agricultural science and is perfect in its design and construction with no fault.

He walked round the newly built greenhouse, experimental and cultivated plots, etc. to learn in detail about the work for breeding seeds and their growing.

He was pleased to see water-field rice, dry-field rice, kaoliang-maize, black maize, sugar-reed and others growing in the modern greenhouse with full material and technical conditions for breeding seed in all seasons. He stressed the need for the farm to take deep attention to distributing high-yielding varieties of crops throughout the country, to say nothing of the research work.

At a plot for a vegetable which was proved successful in experimental cultivation, he said that another new vegetable amazingly high in productivity and nutritive value was raised to open up a bright prospect for supplying vegetable to the people and service personnel. He personally named the vegetable “Tanbaekcho” in the meaning of being rich in protein.

Taking a view of a plot having a bumper crop of dry-field rice with broad smile on his face, he said that “Dry-field rice 24” was proved as water-saving and high-yielding strain highly resistant to drought though serious drought lingered for over 60 days after its sowing.

Seeing big corn ears in the fields where high-yield strain of maize “Phyongok 9” is growing, he said that if it is possible to produce 13-15 tones of grain per hectare by planting maize crop after the wheat harvest, “Phyongok 9” is a strain befitting to double-cropping.

Officials and working people of the Farm succeeded in breeding and raising high-yield strains, which are adapted for the physiographic features of Korea with limited arable land, highly resistant to harmful insects and short in growth period with high and stable yield even under the unfavorable weather conditions, to prove the validity and vitality of our Party’s policy for seed improvement that it is vital to farming, he stated, adding that all the units should learn from the experience gained by the farm.

He put forward the important tasks to be carried out by the farm.

He was accompanied by Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK, vice-chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and vice-chairman of the C.C., WPK; Kim Yong Su and Jo Yong Won, senior officials of the C.C., WPK; and Army Colonel General Jo Nam Jin and Army Lieut. General Han Kwang Sang, commanding officers of the Korean People’s Army.