The 8th Conference of Munitions Industry opened here with splendor on Monday.

The conference is set to review the achievements and experience gained in the work to implement the Party’s policy on the munitions industry and discuss the measures for ushering in a heyday of development of the Juche-based defense industry under the banner of simultaneously developing the two fronts and giving full play to the invincible might of socialist Korea.

Attending it were Thae Jong Su, No Kwang Chol, Jang Chang Ha, Jon Il Ho, Hong Sung Mu and Hong Yong Chil and chairpersons of provincial party committees, contributors to the successful test-fire of ICBM Hwasong-15 and other scientists, technicians, labor innovators and officials in the field of defense science and the munitions industry who have made significant contributions to increasing the country’s defense capability, and officials and workers of relevant units.

When respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un appeared in the platform of the conference, all its participants enthusiastically welcomed him.

Thae Jong Su, Politburo member and vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, stressed in a report at the conference that the DPRK’s history of defense industry is a revolutionary history of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and the WPK.

The reporter said:

Kim Il Sung created the precious tradition of building the Juche-based national defense industry in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolution in his early years. After the liberation of the country he advanced a policy of founding the independent defense industry without delay and had wisely led the struggle for its realization, making field guidance to the arsenal in Phyongchon before visiting the Kangson Steel Plant under the complicated situation of building a new country.

Kim Jong Il kept up the project for bolstering up the arms as the most important matter of the Party and the revolution and lifeline of building a socialist power and brought about a radical turn in developing the Juche-based national defense industry with his distinguished idea and energetic leadership.

The Juche-based national defense industry has now entered the fresh heyday of its development thanks to respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, the reporter said, and went on:

Kim Jong Un set forth the strategic line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of nuclear force and provided a legal foundation for bolstering up the nuclear force. This became a historic turning point in putting the DPRK on the position of a matchless nuclear weapons state and hastening the final victory in the showdown with the U.S. and the cause of building a powerful socialist nation.

Under his strategic decision, the DPRK carried out two successful H-bomb tests, “March 18 revolution” and “July 4 revolution” and won the miraculous July 28 victory and the great November 29 victory. These are extra-large auspicious events in the history of the nation as they opened up the era of radical changes and fully realized the long-cherished desire of our people for powerful national defense capability.

The period from the 7th Conference of Munitions Industry up to now was years of victory and glory during which world-startling rapid progress has been made to clearly prove validity and vitality of our Party’s policy on strengthening the self-reliant national defense capability in every way with the nuclear force as a pivot.

Noting that the DPRK’s defense industry has advanced along the road only indicated by the Party, regarding the leadership of its Central Committee as lifeline, the reporter said:

In particular, the great success in the test-fire of Hwasong-15, a new type ICBM capable of hitting the whole mainland of the U.S and carrying super-heavy warhead, conducted under the political decision and strategic resolution of the Workers’ Party of Korea, is the great victory of the nation, a great event to be specially recorded in the history of the country, won by our people in the efforts to carry out the historic cause of completing the state nuclear force, the cause of building a rocket power.

The reporter mentioned the prospect of the defense industry and the tasks for carrying forward the heyday of development of the Juche-based defense industry and increasing the self-reliant defense capability in every way.

Speeches were made at the conference.

Through speeches, exchanged were achievements and good experience gained in the defense science research and the work to bolster the national defense capability over the past years, true to the Party’s policy on the munitions industry. And, on this basis, discussed were the ways for making leaping progress in the development of the Juche-based defense industry.

They analyzed and reviewed intrinsic faults and lessons in the fields of defense science and munitions industry.

The conference goes on.