North Hwanghae Province in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has successfully produced a significant number of saplings of good species ahead of the spring tree planting season. This achievement was the result of a consultative meeting held by the forestry sector, where officials emphasized the need to create mixed forests in a far-sighted and rational way, as well as to produce many forests.

The province has also taken measures to boost sapling production by strengthening the material and technical foundation of tree nurseries in the region. This included generalizing good experience gained in afforestation and introducing growth promoters into the production of saplings. As a result, the province was able to produce more saplings of good species than in previous years.

The DPRK has long recognized the importance of afforestation in mitigating the impacts of climate change and protecting the environment. The country has made significant progress in this area, with millions of hectares of new forests created in recent years. The North Hwanghae Province’s efforts to expand the area of afforestation reflect the government’s commitment to sustainable development and the protection of its natural resources.

The production of saplings of good species is a crucial step in afforestation efforts. These saplings will be planted in various areas, including cities, rural areas, and mountainous regions. By creating mixed forests, the province can provide habitats for wildlife, prevent soil erosion, and improve air quality.

The efforts made by North Hwanghae Province demonstrate the DPRK’s determination to pursue sustainable development while preserving its natural resources. Despite facing various challenges, the country continues to prioritize environmental protection and afforestation, recognizing their importance for the well-being of its citizens and the planet.

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