The entire Party, the whole army and all the people in the DPRK have turned out in a vigorous forest restoration campaign since respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un gave field guidance to the Central Tree Nursery under the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection in November Juche 103 (2014). The Central Tree Nursery has made many achievements in the campaign for three years.
It has spread hundreds of tons of substrate and manure on cultivation fields and produced hundreds of thousands of square meters of sunshade texture and nonwoven fiber fabric every year to send them to tree nurseries across the country.
It has cultivated more than 26 millions of tree saplings every year, including Pinus strobes, Larix lepolepis and Robinia pseudoacacia, and sent them to sites for forest restoration.
True to the Workers’ Party of Korea’s intention to plant trees in all seasons, it completed the cultivation method of tens of kinds of six to fifteen-year-old potted saplings and summer tree planting method till 2016 and the cultivation method of one to four-year-old potted saplings and summer tree planting method in 2017.
On the basis of a detailed research and analysis of biological characteristics of good species of trees of other countries, it acclimatized more than 70 species of trees and established their propagation method till late 2017.
The nursery is putting sapling production on a higher scientific, industrial and intensive basis. It is the modern production base left as legacy by leader Kim Jong Il who always paid deep attention to afforestation.