Chapter 2. Management of the Special Zone for International Tourism
Article 9 – Position of the special zone for international tourism guidance organ
The special zone for international tourism guidance organ is the central organ that provides unifi ed guidance over the development and management of the special zone for international tourism.
Article 10 – Duties and authority of the special zone for international tourism guidance organ
The special zone for international tourism guidance organ shall:
- Guide the work of the special zone for international tourism management committee;
- Work out detailed rules for implementing the law and regulations for the special zone for international tourism;
- Deliberate and approve the general blueprint for the development of the special zone for international tourism;
- Receive and keep the copies of designs for construction projects;
- Manage taxation in the special zone for international tourism; and
- Conduct other undertakings as entrusted by the state.
Article 11 – Position of the special zone for international tourism management committee
The special zone for international tourism management committee is the field executive organ that manages the special zone for international tourism.
Head of the special zone for international tourism management committee is its chairman.
Article 12 – Duties and authority of the special zone for international tourism management committee
The special zone for international tourism management committee shall:
- Work out and implement the general blueprint for the development of the special zone for international tourism;
- Survey, develop and manage the tourist resources;
- Give publicity to tourism, invite tourists and arrange tourism;
- Maintain order and protect personal safety and property;
- Lease land and buildings;
- Invite investment, approve incorporation of businesses, register them, and license their operation;
- Register the land use rights, buildings and vehicles;
- Provide labour needed for business activities;
- License construction and inspect it upon completion;
- Manage infrastructure in the special zone for international tourism;
- Take environmental protection and fi re-fighting measures in the special zone for international tourism;
- Cooperate in the entry and exit of personnel and means of transport and bringing in and out materials; and
- Conduct other undertakings as entrusted by the special zone for international tourism guidance organ.
Article 13 – Organization and operation of joint consultative body
A joint consultative body involving the special zone for international tourism management committee, investors and representatives of businesses may be organized in the special zone for international tourism.
The joint consultative body shall discuss and coordinate the important problems arising in the development and management of the special zone for international tourism and the operation of businesses.
Article 14 – Management of entry and exit in the special zone for international tourism
A visa-free system shall be enforced in the special zone for international tourism.
Personnel and means of transport may enter or exit the special zone for international tourism from outside of the territory of the DPRK through designated routes with passports or entry/exit certifi cates that can take place of passport.
Order of entry into or exit from the special zone for international tourism through other areas of the DPRK and entry into the special zone for international tourism from other areas of the DPRK or exit from the special zone for international tourism to other areas of the DPRK shall be stipulated separately
Article 15 – Control and medical inspection
Personnel, animals and plants and means of transport shall be subject to border control, customs control and medical inspection.
The control and medical inspection organs shall carry out control and medical inspection promptly by scientifi c and technical methods so as not to cause hindrance to the security of and entry into and exit from the special zone for international tourism.
Article 16 – Environment management
In the special zone for international tourism cutting trees in scenic forests, damaging scenic spots, pine forests on seashore, sea bathing areas, queer cliffs, elegant and unique mountains, picturesque islets and other natural beauties, caves, waterfalls, old fortress sites and other natural monuments and spots of scenic beauty and historical interest, and construction of buildings and other structures that may cause diffi culties in environment protection shall not be permitted, and the fi xed standards for the release of pollutants, noise, vibration and other standards for environment protection shall be ensured.
Article 17 – Use of the means of communications
Post, telephone, fax, Internet and other means of communications may be used freely in the special zone for international tourism.