Hello, dear student of our Korean course!

You are about to start getting to know some sentences. Before we start, you should also get to know how to intonate words in Korean language. This lesson is really easy and simple. Also, really soon we are going to publish a big test which will check your knowledge from the first to fifth lesson.

Are you ready? Let’s start!

The kinds of sentences are indicated by whether the tone is rising or falling at the end of a sentence.

1. The falling tone is used at the end of a declarative sentence


2. The rising tone is used at the end of an interrogative sentence.

But the interrogative word should be stressed when it appears in an interrogative sentence:


3. The tone should be even to the end of a suggestive sentence:


4. The falling tone is used at the end of an imperative sentence:



5. The tone should be even to the end of an exclamatory sentence:



And that’s simply all what you should know about the intonation. Next lesson will bring to you first and easy conversations in Korean language. Following your suggestion, we are going to publish also soon itsĀ pronunciation.