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In this lesson you’ll get to know how to build Korean syllabes. This will help you understanding how to build Korean words and sentences.

Syllables in Korean Language

A word consists of one or more syllables. A syllable consists of one or more consonants and one vowel.

The syllables are divided into 5 forms:

One-vovel syllabe:

아이 [ai] — child


The syllabe 아 consists of the consonant ㅇ and the vowelㅏ.

The consonant ㅇ is not pronounced at the beginning of a syllable. Therefore, the syllable 아 is considered a one-vowel syllable.

The syllable 이 consists the consonant ㅇ and the vowel ㅣ.

The consonant ㅇ is not pronounced at the beginning of a syllable. Therefore, the syllable 이 is considered a one-vowel syllable.

The one-consonant-and-one-vowel syllable

나무 [namu] — tree; wood


The syllable 나 consists of the consonant ㄴand the vowel ㅏ.

The syllable 무 consists of the consonant ㅁ and the vowel ㅜ.

The one-vowel-and-one-consonant syllable

일 [il] – work


The syllabe 일 consists of the  consonant ㅇ is not pronounced at the beginning of a syllable. Therefore, the syllable 일 is considered a one-vowel-and-one-consonant syllable.

The syllable consisting of one consonant, one vowel and one consonant

물 [mul] — water


The syllabe 물 consists of consonant ㅁ, the vowel ㅜ and the consonant ㄹ.

The syllable consisting of one consonant, one vowel and a double consonant

값 [kap] — price


The syllable 값 consists of the consonant ㄱ, the vowel ㅏand the double consonant: ㅂㅅ

Second Quiz – Korean Alphabet and Syllables


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