Efforts are active in Korea to speed up the building of a powerful socialist country by dint of science and technology. Scientists are devoting their all to perform their responsibilities and duties for the country.

Among them is researcher Jo Myong Jin at the Semiconductor Research Institute of Kim Chaek University of Technology. He is a scientist in his 30s. He lives only with a will to repay the grateful motherland that has brought up and put him forward. The state had found out a small talent in the bud from the rural boy and let him study at Pyongyang Middle School No. 1. Jo Myong Jin became a researcher of Kim Chaek University of Technology after finishing the university course and the postgraduate school.

Over the past 10-odd years, he has always worked with ardent passion and made many successes in his scientific researches.

Recently he has developed a new detectable element of Korean style which is of great significance in the development of electronic industry. The research course was not so easy as he had to complete and manufacture one by one the simulation and design programs for enhancing the measurement level of the element.

Although the technical indices changed frequently and repeated failures were made, he did not give up but buckled down to the research with redoubled efforts.

After making analysis through simulation and interpretation and solving lots of unknown problems, he eventually succeeded in carrying out his research project.

Jo Mying Jin says: ”Here goes my resolve that in the future, too, I will, not being satisfied with the already-made successes, intensify my research work and become a genuine scientist contributing to building a socialist power with greater successes in scientific research.”

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