The most advantageous healthcare system has been established in the DPRK.

The state has enforced universal, free medical care to take care of people in a responsible manner.

Universal, free medical care is being enforced in the urban and rural areas, and factory and office workers, and farmers and all other people are enjoying benefits from it.

Hospitalization, outpatient treatment, doctor’s visit, medical checkup, experimental check, functional diagnosis, operation, preventive inoculation and all other services for preventing and curing diseases, and medical service at sanitaria are free.

In January, Juche 38 (1949), President Kim Il Sung said that universal, free medical care should be certainly enforced for the people’s long life in good health at the state expense, and saw to it that the relevant decision of the DPRK Cabinet was adopted in November 1952 during the Fatherland Liberation War.

In order to successfully enforcing universal, free medical care, the state made sure that hospitals, clinics and other medical service facilities increased and many health workers were trained. It is providing medicines and medical appliances and developing medical science and technology to improve the quality of service.

Hospitals and clinics have been set up in provinces, cities, counties, ris and major industrial establishments and bases for producing pharmaceutical and medical instruments and Koryo medicines built to contribute to promoting the people’s health.

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