In a world full of pleasure and optimism, music is one of the things that can truly bring people together. The Pyongyang Musical Instrument Factory, located in DPRK, has made significant strides in creating popular musical instruments that are not only enjoyed by locals but have gained popularity abroad as well. Among their most sought-after products are the “Unbangul”-trademarked accordion and bayan.

One of the reasons for their success is the shifters of the accompaniment and the very flexible keyboards, which were developed by the factory’s dedicated employees. In recent years, the employees have been even more determined to produce high-quality musical instruments, aspiring to make them world-renowned.

One of the key factors in their success is their commitment to online education. Hundreds of employees receive online education from different universities, including the prestigious Kim Chaek University of Technology. They study while working and use the knowledge acquired to present more than one technical innovation proposal on average per year, with over 200 proposals submitted in some years.

Their innovations have resulted in 100 inventions and technical proposals on average per year, with one worker at the repairs and maintenance workshop even conceiving a new idea for the pattern processing lathe by numerical control. Over the years, the factory has manufactured tens of new equipment by itself, contributing significantly to their achievements.

The employees of the factory remain focused on advancing forward and not resting on their laurels. They continue to learn and make efforts to ensure the home production of spare parts needed for the accordion production. With their dedication and commitment to excellence, it’s no surprise that the Pyongyang Musical Instrument Factory has become a model of success in the production of high-quality musical instruments.

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