The respected supreme leader Kim Jong Un‘s field guidance to North Hamgyong Province in July was reported all over. He works heart and soul to rapidly develop the whole economy of the country and thus provide the people with a more abundant and civilized life. His field guidance to North Hamgyong Province in the northern part of Korea was a continuation of his devoted efforts.
He called at different units a day despite swelter. He was the kindhearted father who devotes his all to the happiness of the people.
That day he visited the Ranam Coal-Mining Machine Complex and brightly indicated the orientation and ways to build it into a leading machine-building centre.
Stressing once again the task of the complex in promoting the development of the machine-building industry of the country, he encouraged the workers of the complex, saying it should make a great leap forward in production of highly efficient modern machines of different kinds badly needed in various sectors of the national economy. He also matured a plan to build a large-scale vegetable greenhouse farm in Jungphyong-ri of Kyongsong County and surveyed its plot in person.
He had been always concerned that the local people were not provided with different kinds of fresh vegetables sufficiently due to maritime climate in the northern part.
Looking at 100 hectares of fertile land, he beamed all over his face, saying: That area of the greenhouses may satisfy the demand of the people in the province. I am very pleased today. I am most pleased when I do a worthwhile job for the people. He not only presented the plan to build a large vegetable greenhouse farm but also indicated the direction and ways to build the place into a socialist paradise good to live and work in.
The Korean people saw a more prosperous country in him beaming all over his face as if imagining the happy life of the people without thinking of his efforts.
That day he also acquainted himself in detail with the situation of different other units such as the construction site of the Orangchon Power Station and the Chongjin Bag Factory on the spot and set a high target of modernization. Kim Jong Un is working devotedly for economic development, giving field guidance to all parts of the country. Under his energetic leadership the Korean people are making fresh miracles and feats every day in the campaign for increased production to attain the goals of the five-year strategy for national economic development.
The Korean people will hit the goals under his leadership.