One late evening in early 2015 the environmental protection science department of the global environmental science faculty of Kim Il Sung University was in a consultation for hours. They were talking about the research task which they were assigned to for the making of a dust-free process of production, which was the main problem in the project of putting the Pyongyang Children’s Foodstuff Factory on a modern basis. Everyone looked tense because they had little experience and, worse still, they had to finish their job in no more than a year.

Matters of environmental protection are discussed.

Matters of environmental protection are discussed.

Presently, a confident voice broke the silence in the room, saying, “I’d like to try it.” It sounded quite patient. It was Doctor Jon Yong Il, who was an associate professor. He said, “I know this is a difficult task. But I dare say we’ll be able to do anything once we tackle them in a determined way. You know, it is a global practice to ensure a dust-free environment by means of a central air-conditioning system. I found it interesting years ago and have done a research to improve the environment by means of air current. Now I’m sure we can carry out the task with our own efforts.”

Thus, a research team was formed with Yong Il as the head, and a full-scale project was launched. Yong Il divided his team into two groups. One of them, led by Doctor and associate professor Kang Kon Ho, was to make an analysis of the air condition around the factory, learn the effects of wind, temperature and humidity on concentration of pol-lutants and find out a way to deal with them. Another team was put in the charge of Jon himself, and was to develop a relevant dust-collecting device.

When the project got afoot, some people asserted that the air conditioner, which is the cream of science and technology and the heart of the dust-collecting facility, had to be imported from abroad. But Jon, persuading them that one step backward now would lead to a hundred ones backward in one year or two and that that was a critical matter related with the future of the country, put his heart and soul in the research so as to develop an air conditioner with their own efforts and techniques.

Thanks to the devoted efforts of the research team an air conditioner of the Korean style was developed in a short period of ten months, and this led to the establishment of a central airconditioning system.

Recollecting the time, Jon says, “I know there are numerous obstacles in our way to the cutting edge. The recent project has convinced us that when we have a sense of responsibility for the future of our country we’ll be able to conquer any fortress of science.” The researchers are putting all their wisdom and enthusiasm in the projects for the prosperity of their country.

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