From olden times insam was widely known to the world as a speciality of Korea.
Kaesong was the capital of the Koryo Dynasty which existed between 918 and 1392. It has become the first home of insam of Korea.
Insam is so called because its root looks like a man. It has a lot of bioactive substances and essential nutrient components needed for good health and longevity.
Kaesong is the insam-cultivating place with a long history. It is also famous as the insam-processing place.
As the insam cultivating and processing technology develop day by day, the Kaesong Koryo Insam is widely used in cosmetics and various other goods as well as health foods and medicines.
The Kaesong Koryo Insam Processing Factory at the foot of Mt. Songak is producing tens of kinds of insam goods such as the Kaesong Koryo Red Insam Powder, the Kaesong Koryo Insam Tea, the Kaesong Koryo Insam Extract and the Kaesong Koryo Insam Liquor. The factory is producing those goods by using the secret insam processing methods which are told from generation to generation. Those products are popular among the people for their unique taste and remarkable medical properties.
Everybody likes such drinks as various kinds of insam tea including the Kaesong Koryo Insam Tea, the Kaesong Koryo Insam-Matrimony Vine Fruit Tea and the Kaesong Koryo Insam-Omija Tea. The Kaesong Koryo Red Insam contains abundant antioxidant and anticancer ingredients and its medical properties are said to be clear as compared with other processed insam goods. The Kaesong Koryo Insam Liquor is also popular among the people and insam-processed ingredients are included in cosmetics popular among women.
he employees of the factory continue to develop the processing method of insam, a speciality of Korea, and make efforts to increase the variety of products and steadily improve their quality and thus make all the insam goods world-famous ones.