The 28th National Exhibition of IT Achievements took place at the Sci-Tech Complex in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK.

On display at the exhibition were a great number of latest IT products like artificial intelligence software, all of which were presented by several hundred units including ministries and national institutions.

What caught the eyes of visitors were products appreciated at different competitions of artificial intelligence programs and contests of integrated production system, sci-tech dissemination system, programs for simulation experiment and practice, simulation sports games and CAD.

Among them were self-contained vein discriminator, which recognizes the arrangement of finger blood vessels, and three-tiered switchboard and other automation facilities, telecommunication network equipment and integrated production control systems and production process control programs which were developed when putting the production processes on an unmanned basis at the Rangnang Disabled Soldiers’ Essential Plastic Goods Factory, Pyongyang Bag Factory and Ryongaksan Soap Factory.

The products highly appreciated at the exhibition also included satellite image analysis system for forest resources, a program for planning scientific farming, system for detecting fishing ground and other achievements made in the fields of education and public health.

At the exhibition, many products conducive to the development of IT industry drew attention of experts and visitors.

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