The Workers of the Phyongsong Artificial Leather Factory fondly call theirs mother factory. It is not only because it is a parent factory that supplies materials to daily necessaries factories across the country but also because it is permeated with the parental love of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il for the people. It was built under the warm care of the President who ensured that a great investment was made to fully supply the people with quality shoes, and its radical development was attributable to the devoted effort of Chairman Kim Jong Il who visited the factory in the last year of his life.

The workers of the factory are fully displaying their wisdom and enthusiasm to implement the instructions of the leaders. Their determination to support with their labour achievements the noble intention of the Workers’ Party of Korea to offer a richer and more civilized life to the people is developed into the spirit of self-development

A few years ago when the factory launched a modernization project, they encountered a number of problems. It was important to purchase a set of equipment and fix it asap to ensure its normal operation. Yet a greater problem was lots of labour needed to reshape the existing buildings in accordance with the new facilities. Despite the difficult condition, none of the workers wanted help from their senior organs or any others.

According to their unanimous opinion the factory decided to propel the project of modernization while continuing with production. And it chose to solve the problems in their own way. A lot of ideas were suggested to save the time, labour and materials. One of them was to separate the equipment by parts and assemble them again in buildings without changing the basic structure of the buildings. Thanks to the ideas the factory got an amazing achievement— finishing the assembly of the equipment in a few months and getting into normal operation.

And it also hastened the modernization of the existing facilities by dint of their own tech force to secure more production potentials. A fine sci-tech learning space was established and has been in regular operation.

As a result the production process of the factory has been automated as a whole and production increased in both quality and quantity. The artificial leather produced by the factory is supplied to the Wonsan Leather Shoes Factory and the Ryuwon Footwear Factory to make varieties of shoes, which are the favourite of the people. And the bags of various colours and styles from the factory are highly appreciated by the people as well.

Kim Ye Won, a veteran worker leading a workshop, says, “Mothers are the kind of people who try to put their children forward as finely as others and create happiness by their own effort whatever the difficulty. As long as we have the love of the Workers’ Party of Korea that encourages us to cope with hardships and trials caused by the sordid sanctions of the enemy, my factory will remain a glorious, favourite factory of the people in the future, too.”

Today the workers and technicians of the factory have risen up as one in the project of sharply increasing the production and the variety of colours and styles of their products with the consciousness of being a member of the mother factory.

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