Kyongsang Kindergarten in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, is well known for producing many music talents.

Among them are Choe Ji Ye, Han Su Ryo and Hong Su Ryon who proved successful at international concours, Jong Yong Ju who was awarded a special prize at the 25th International Juvenile Chopin Piano Contest last year and Hong Ta Yong and Jo Mi Rae who won high appreciation at the 7th International Polish Grand Piano Music Competition-Festival dedicated to Fryderyk Chopin in Lithuania this year.

When interviewed by KCNA on the opening day of a new school year, Ri Kang Juk, director of the kindergarten, said:

A series of successes made by our kindergarteners is a precious fruition brought by the socialist education system that provides them with excellent educational condition and brings their talents into full bloom.

We, educators of the kindergarten, will do our best to develop the intellectual faculties of children and cultivate their talents.


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