Korean people like to wear traditional Korean clothes.
Jo Jong Sun, head of the Pothongmun Korean Clothes Tailer’s Shop under the Central District General Tailor’s Shop in the capital city Pyongyang, devotes her life to tailoring Korean clothes. She took special grade several times at national Korean clothes shows and won the top prize at the 14th National Korean Clothes Show held in 2016.
She has a pocket notebook with names and ages of the orderers of Chima and Jogori(traditional long skirt and jacket for women) and even cutting measurements and characteristics and the like. Among them are war veterans, heroines, professors, artistes and many ordinary women.
They admired her peculiar aesthetic sense for Korean clothes and delicate cutting and used to be moved by her surprising memory of their names and figures even after a long period.
Before cutting cloth according to the measurements, she pictured to herself their facial colours and shapes and jobs and ages one by one and tailored clothes that fit their bodies.
Jo Jong Sun did not receive specialized education in the Korean clothes nor had a career as a needle worker in that field. With an uncommon instinct for art, she danced and sang in Korean Chima and Jogori on the stages in the whole period of her kindergarten and school days. Perhaps that is why she specially loved the Korean clothes and became a tailor of Korean clothes after school.
In her career with Korean clothes, she always found her joy and pride in the women walking along streets in Chima and Jogori she had tailored for them with full sincerity. One day, she saw women among scientists who took part in the launch of artificial earth satellite. As a tailor of national costumes, she wanted to do something for the women scientists who did a great job for the country. So she tailored Korean clothes with her own hands and sent them to the women scientists. Valuing her simple sincerity, the respected supreme leader Kim Jong Un sent kind thanks to her.
On the day of the great honour, Jo Jong Sun made up her mind to devote her life to the development of national costumes.
Today, too, she is working heart and soul for tailoring Korean clothes with ardent love for national costumes.