The Kumkhop General Foodstuff Factory for Sportspeople is one of the factories which are wonderfully playing the vanguard role in the development of foodstuff industry of the country.

The factory produces different kinds of drinks, nutritive bread including yeast bread, sweet bread and steamed bread, rice cakes, fruit drops, caramels, sugar-coated beans, sweet jellies, hard and soft cakes and other choice varieties of confectionery, and processed meat such as ham and sausages.

The respected supreme leader Kim Jong Un visited the factory in January Juche 104(2015). Looking at different kinds of foodstuffs, he said he is very pleased to see them and continued: It is good if the people like. The criterion in estimating all things is the people’s estimation.

He underscored the need to produce a greater number of foodstuffs of different kinds helpful to the nutrition administration and fatigue recovery of the sportspeople, steadily improve their quality and develop and produce foodstuffs suited to the constitution of the Korean people without resting content with the successes.

For the purpose, it is necessary to turn the factory into a model and standard of the foodstuff factories of the country, he added. As a result, the factory has been turned into a comprehensive foodstuff factory which has put the business activities on an IT basis and made the production processes automated, robotized and germ- and dust-free on a high level.

The factory has been rebuilt to arrange the equipment rationally under scientific calculation and use all the spaces in a three-dimensional way. It has been able to increase the output of foodstuffs greatly as against before without increasing its plottage and manpower. So to speak, highly intensive production processes have been built at the factory.

The factory has provided firm guarantee to fully produce ordered goods as well as to fulfil its quotas assigned by the state. Kim Jong Un called at the factory again in January Juche 105(2016) and highly appreciated that it has perfectly established the scientific yet predictable computer integrated manufacturing system in conformity with the constantly-changing demand and taste of the people for foodstuffs. And he said with satisfaction that as a result of modernization of the Kumkhop General Foodstuff Factory for Sportspeople, another foothold and criterion have been made to develop the foodstuff industry onto a higher stage.


The factory turned into a comprehensive foodstuff producer under the leadership of Kim Jong Un is constantly developing different kinds of foodstuffs helpful to the nutrition administration and the fatigue recovery of the sportspeople and new foodstuffs favoured by the people.

Sin Hyon Ju, Senior Engineer of the Kumkhop General Foodstuff Factory for Sportspeople, says:

“We, producers, are most pleased to hear good comments of people on the tasty and nutritious Kumkhop-trademarked foodstuffs we produce.

This year, too, we have developed different kinds of products such as the leucin crisp having a good effect on the growth and development of children and the brown rye bread and jujube-stuffed chocolate good for health and nutrition administration of people. They are in great demand of people. True to the instructions of Kim Jong Un that the people’s demand should be an absolute criterion, we will produce better and more wonderful foodstuffs, living up to his expectation and trust.”

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