The Unjong Tea Factory in the DPRK is now producing a diverse range of high-quality tea beverages, boasting excellent color, transparency, and stability while preserving the beneficial ingredients of tea leaves.

These natural health drinks are beloved by all for their unique taste, delightful aroma, and health benefits.

The factory’s success is a proof of the tireless efforts of General Secretary Kim Jong Un, who has dedicated himself to realizing the noble vision of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, both of whom were deeply committed to producing quality tea for the people.

At several key meetings, the General Secretary has repeatedly emphasized the importance of expanding tea-tree fields and boosting tea leaf production to promote public health and enhance the quality of life. He has implemented measures to ensure the proper distribution of Unjong tea and to establish a state-of-the-art tea factory.

Thanks to his wise guidance, including personally selecting the factory site and overseeing its construction, the factory was completed in the suburbs of the capital city in February 2021.

Under his dedicated care, the factory has introduced new labor-, space-, and energy-saving production lines, resulting in the creation of 10 delicious tea beverages now available in public catering establishments across the country.

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