In the neighborhood of Wasan-dong, at Sosong District in Pyongyang lives Kim Pok Suk, a woman revered by the community as the unsung heroine, the mother of heroes.

Her husband is a national hero, and her eldest son is a decorated Labour Hero.

Kim Bok Suk herself is a dedicated worker in her profession, contributing tirelessly for many years.

Always prioritizing the nation over her own family, she has raised three children to be true patriots who understand the importance of serving society and the collective. Sometimes, even through her own pain, she has guided her children step by step, ensuring they grow into individuals who are willing to dedicate themselves to their country and community.

Under the stern yet compassionate upbringing of their mother, her eldest son, Hong Kwang Il, established his reputation as a Labour Hero by contributing to the construction of the Paektusan Youth Hero Power Station Construction Site.

Whenever people meet her, they admire her as the unsung heroine, the mother of heroes. Yet, she humbly responds that she simply did what any mother should do, raising her children to be heroes for their country.

Kim Pok Suk has represented her community in numerous national motherhood competitions, showcasing her dedication and strength as a mother.

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