Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, visited the Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery in Sinmi-ri on the afternoon of May 19 on the occasion of the second anniversary of the demise of Hyon Chol Hae, his most respected revolutionary comrade-in-arms.

Recollecting the career of the revolutionary soldier who was infinitely loyal to the Party and the country all his life with a genuine communist outlook on life, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un laid a flower before the grave of Hyon Chol Hae.

Kim Jong Un paid high tribute to Hyon Chol Hae in reflection of his reverence, praying that he, an outstanding revolutionary and competent military and political activist produced by the Juche revolution, will always live at the height of glory looked by everyone with the deepest respect, along with the high prestige of the country, the great name of Chairman Kim Jong Il and the shining honor of the ever-victorious Korean People’s Army.

He said that the outstanding feats performed by Hyon Chol Hae for firmly consolidating the cornerstone of the spiritual pillar of the KPA, the armed forces of the revolutionary Party, and building a politically and ideologically strong army will be immortal in history, and his soul and dear image will remain forever in the hearts of all the service personnel of the KPA.

Before the memorial monument at the Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery, he paid high tribute to the martyrs, praying that their noble careers etched in the history of the country would shed the most beautiful rays forever like the shining star of the national flag.