Kim Son Gyong, Vice-Minister for International Organizations of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, released the following press statement on February 23. On February 20 the UN Security Council had a vote on the draft resolution concerning an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, submitted by Algeria in reflection of the general will of the international community demanding an immediate halt to Israel’s brutal massacre of Palestinians.

However, the United States again ruthlessly trampled down the desire of the international community for peace in the Middle East by exercising its veto under the absurd pretext that it may have a negative impact on the on-going negotiations on hostage release.

By becoming the only member state of the UNSC that voted against it, the United States proved itself to be an accomplice to the inhuman genocide Israel committed by killing tens of thousands of Palestinians and reducing the Gaza Strip to a huge mass grave and a veritable hell.

I vehemently denounce with bitter resentment the atrocious crime of the United States that seeks hegemonic purposes only, remaining utterly indifferent to the bloodshed of innocent peoples of other countries to meet its own geopolitical interest.

The current Palestinian crisis is not simply a matter of armed conflict but a vital issue directly related to the destiny of mankind — whether the international community feebly watches a rogue state’s indiscriminate massacre or defends the human dignity and justice by its concerted efforts.

As shown by the result of the UNSC voting, the international community is turning its back on the irresponsible act of the United States which allows the massacre of civilians by Israel. Nevertheless, the United States has recklessly blocked the adoption of a resolution reflecting a minimum measure for preventing the murder of civilians in Gaza Strip. This is little short of a death sentence which gave green light to Israel’s indiscriminate killings of innocent Palestinians.

By vetoing all three hard-won draft resolutions for defusing the Middle East crisis, the United States has revealed once again before the international community its true colors as a peace wrecker involved in crimes against humanity that seeks only its geopolitical hegemony in disregard of whether the global peace and security and the life and security of mankind are in danger or not.

The United States has completely lost its elementary moral qualifications to talk about the guarantee of international peace, security and human rights. Witnessing the bloodbath of innocent Palestinians in the Middle East for 100-odd days, the world has come to the conclusion that there is no room for the United States to remain any longer in the UNSC whose mission is to ensure international peace and security.

The reality teaches the immutable philosophy that in the present world, where the US high-handed and arbitrary practices are rampant, the dignity and sovereignty of a state and the life and security of its people can be defended only by the capabilities for legitimate self-defence powerful enough to defend themselves, not by any international organization or outside help. If the United States persists in such provocative exercise of veto to instigate Israel’s genocide, behaving self-conceitedly at the UN arena, it will further aggravate the worst-ever humanitarian crisis and face greater indignation and protests of the international community.