The Eighth Conference of Military Educationists of the Korean People’s Army was held at the April 25 House of Culture on December 4 and 5.

The Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea convened the conference involving the entire army with a view to consolidating the core position of the Korean revolutionary armed forces in every way by bringing about a radical turn in the military education as required by the changing times and revolutionary situation.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the WPK and chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK, attended and guided the conference.



Present at the conference were exemplary military educationists and relevant cadres and commanding officers from the General Political Bureau, the Ministry of National Defence and the General Staff, commanding officers of the services and those of units at corps level and merited officials of the logistic units for education.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un came to the venue of the conference amid the playing of welcome music.

The moment all the participants burst into stormy cheers of “Hurrah!” looking up to the General Secretary who is ushering in a new period of development and a golden age in beefing up the military force by more firmly training the KPA to be a revolutionary army of the WPK, a highly advanced modern army and the reliable guardian of the state and people with his outstanding army-building ideas and energetic guidance.

Taking the platform were Pak Jong Chon, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK and secretary of the Party Central Committee, and O Il Jong, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK and department director of the Party Central Committee.

Commanding officers of the Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK, and officials, teachers and researchers who rendered distinguished service to military education also mounted the platform.

Kim Jong Un made an opening address.

He sent warm thanks to all the military educationists for devoting themselves to training commanding officers and backbones of the KPA, lavishing all their wisdom, passion and soul on their work on the platform of the revolution, true to the Party’s policy and line of training reserve military and political cadres.

He referred to the intention of our Party of giving top priority to the military education, the importance of the mission and duty of the military educationists and the purpose of convening the conference.

Expressing the belief that the 8th KPA Conference of Military Educationists would serve as an occasion of an epochal turn and a process of leaping progress in the course of the development of Juche-based military education thanks to the high political enthusiasm and deep attention of all the participants, he declared the conference open.

Army General Ri Yong Gil, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK and minister of National Defence of the DPRK, made a report to be followed by speeches.

The report and speeches introduced and shared achievements and experience made in helping teachers possess political and moral traits and qualifications befitting teachers and in improving the educational conditions, environment and methods in military academies through the struggle to bring about practical improvement and substantial advance in military education.

Some deviations witnessed in the military education due to the lack of ideological awareness to prove the validity and the vitality of the Party’s idea of prioritizing military education with substantial progress and renovation in their units, and their causes were analyzed and reviewed.

The report and speeches called on all the educationists to display matchless bravery, strong endeavors, high enthusiasm and fighting spirit with a pledge and self-confidence to put the military education on a higher level at an early date and to bring about new innovation, bold creation and steady progress in the overall military education field.

The standings of military academies were announced at the conference based on the assessment of their implementation of the Party’s policy of bringing about revolution in the military education field, and pennants were awarded to exemplary units.

Kim Jong Un made an important conclusion.

He said that the conference is underway at a crucial time when our revolution is moving on to the next stage of new victory according to the grand fighting programme and policy set forth by the historic Party Congress, repeatedly stressing the strategic intention of the Central Military Commission of the WPK in giving guidance to the conference with special consideration and deep attention given to it and the importance of the military education in the current situation.

He underscored the need to prepare all the military educationists to be true soldiers immensely loyal to the idea and leadership of the Party and to organize and provide the military education, strictly guided by the Party’s idea, policy and method so as to bring up all the cadets to be commanding officers who remain absolutely loyal to the Party Central Committee. For this he set forth principles, direction of development of the military education and tasks and ways.

It is important for military educationists to be deeply aware of their noble mission and duty before the Party and the revolution and to turn out as one in effecting the revolution in the military education field, he said, clarifying the main traits to be possessed by them.

He ardently called for opening up the period of new surge and leaping progress in effecting the revolution in the military education field by putting all-out efforts for our great Party, for our great state and people and for the eternal mightiness and invincibility of our revolutionary armed forces.

After the conclusion of the General Secretary, all the participants raised thunderous cheers for the outstanding teacher brightly indicating the path for bringing about the revolution in the military education field with his unique ideological and theoretical wisdom and unending trust and loving care.

Kim Jong Un made a closing address.

He appreciated that the 8th Conference of Military Educationists in the history of our revolutionary armed forces met its original purpose thanks to the high enthusiasm of the participants. He repeatedly called for making the military education the most advanced one in the country and the one truly conducive to strengthening the core position of the revolutionary armed forces.

He expressed great trust and expectation that all the participants would bear deep in mind the idea and spirit of the conference, make redoubled efforts and make a decisive stride forward in the struggle to carry out the Party’s policy of bringing about a turn in the military education and thus make tangible contributions to building the revolutionary army of the Party and building the elite army.

The conference was held amid the iron pledge and revolutionary enthusiasm of all the participants fully determined to work heart and soul to strengthen the military education, so as to bring up more competent military talents remaining absolutely loyal to our Party, true to the revolutionary idea and leadership of the Party Central Committee.

During the conference, there was a lecture.

The conference became a meaningful occasion in consolidating the military education field as a firm fortress for devotedly defending the Party Central Committee and in turning military education into a powerful force for propelling army building and military activities and furthermore, the victorious advance of the Juche revolution.