The 5th Conference of the Frontrunners in the Three Revolutions opened in Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), on November 18.

The conference is to share the successes and experience, and analyze and review the mistakes and lessons drawn in the course of the mass movement for implementing the three revolutions after the 4th Conference of the Frontrunners of the Three Revolution Red Flag Movement and the national meeting of active three-revolution team members, and to discuss the practical problems arising in bringing about a new innovation in the three-revolution red flag movement and the work of the three-revolution teams.

The conference was participated in by three-revolution standard-bearers and the three-revolution team members who are taking the lead in implementing the revolutions-ideological, technological and cultural-, leading officials of the provincial, city and county Party committees, chief Party officials of ministries and national institutions, political officers of the armed forces organs, officials of relevant departments of the Party Central Committee and officials concerned.

The platform was taken by Choe Ryong Hae, Kim Tok Hun and Pak Jong Chon who are the members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK).

Among those on the platform were the leading officials of the Party and government, chief secretaries of the provincial committees of the WPK, leading officials of the working people’s organizations, ministries and national institutions and officials who set practical examples in carrying out the revolutions-ideological, technological and cultural-, three-revolution standard-bearers and three-revolution team members.

Leading officials of the armed forces organs also took the platform.


The letter “Let’s Achieve a Comprehensive Development of Socialism by Kindling the Fierce Flames of the Three Revolutions” sent by Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the WPK and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, to the participants in the 5th Conference of the Frontrunners in the Three Revolutions was conveyed by Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in his letter referred to the intention of the Central Committee of the Party in convening the 5th Conference of the Frontrunners in the Three Revolutions at a time when the era of great turn has come, and extended deep thanks and militant greetings in the name of the Central Committee of the Party and the government of the Republic to the participants in the conference, three-revolution standard-bearers and members of the three-revolution teams across the country who have made a great contribution to the three revolutions-ideological, technological and cultural- as the frontrunners in human remodeling and heroes of collective innovation true to the general line of our Party.

Kim Jong Un mentioned the main spirit that permeates our Party’s line of the three revolutions and great significance and immortal vitality of the three revolutions and gave a classic formulation that the accomplishment of the three revolutions in every field, unit and region precisely means the comprehensive development of socialism and the emergence of a powerful socialist country which has achieved prosperity by dint of self-reliance and self-respect and a utopian society of the people. He also clarified the tasks for carrying out the three revolutions throughout society and detailed practical methods.

He said that the participants in the conference should steadily add luster to the honor of being frontrunners in the struggle for putting the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team movement, which are noble revolutionary heritages bequeathed down by the great leaders President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and powerful engines of socialist construction, on a new level, and expressed belief that all the officials, Party members and other working people would certainly bring about the comprehensive prosperity of our style socialism by kindling fierce flames of the three revolutions.

Ri Il Hwan, member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, made a report.

He said that the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team movement are the mass movement of the highest form and a powerful revolutionary mode of our era to which the original idea of the WPK on the mass movement is thoroughly applied and whose validity and vitality have been fully displayed in the historical course of the revolution and construction.

He referred to the immortal guidance exploits of the peerlessly great men who had led socialist construction along the road of one victory after another while regarding the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team movement as the powerful weapon of carrying out the three revolutions, the general line of our Party.

The reporter said that for the first time in history, Kim Il Sung advanced the idea that the revolution should be carried on in the ideological, technical and cultural fields even after the establishment of socialist system, put forward the three revolutions as a strategic line for socialist construction, and made every effort to develop the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team movement.

The reporter referred to the fact that Kim Jong Il clarified the idea that the struggle to implement the three-revolution line is a historic struggle for rapidly transforming the appearance of the country in all spheres and stepping into communism ahead of others and that he made a lot of effort to develop the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team movement.

The reporter stressed that the undying revolutionary feats performed by the President and the Chairman in developing the above-said movements are being successfully carried forward and developed by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Our revolutionary ranks have turned into elite ranks by loyal persons firmly equipped with the Party’s ideas and lines, a new era of self-reliance and prosperity, an era of our state-first principle, came into being on this land, and precious and significant successes have been made for the prosperity and development of the country, all of which are the precious fruition of the energetic leadership of the respected General Secretary who has made big efforts to implement the three-revolution line.

The reporter referred to the achievements made after the Fourth Conference of the Forerunners of the Three-revolution Red Flag Movement and the national meeting of active three-revolution team members.

He said that as a result of the vigorous ideological revolution through the three-revolution red flag movement, the ideological and political might, the first motive power of our revolution, has been rapidly increased and the ranks of staunch revolutionaries boundlessly loyal to the leader have been grown and expanded.

Technical revolution made headway in the course of the three-revolution red flag movement, thereby putting the scientific and technical power of the country on a higher level and consolidating the self-sustaining foundation of the national economy, the reporter said.

He also noted the development made in the range of cultural life of our people and the construction of socialist civilization.

He said that sci-tech learning spaces have been built across the country as part of the efforts for making all the people well versed in science and technology, and the broad masses of people have come to learn intently, being enrolled in the study-while-working education system, which has been led to a production of many three-revolution standard-bearers possessed of modern science and technology.

The report also deals with some faults witnessed in the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team work against the intention of the Party and requirements of the developing revolution as well as their causes.

A key to building one’s own driving force in every way and successfully tiding over the present difficulties lies in turning the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team work into powerful mass movements propelling socialist construction and a substantial power propelling the development of relevant units, the reporter said, calling for bringing about a fundamental turn in the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team work with the on-going conference as an occasion.

The reporter underscored the need to decisively improve the Party guidance and the administrative and technical guidance over the three-revolution red flag movement and three-revolution team work.

Saying that when the whole country is seethed with the three revolutions, eye-opening changes will be brought about in the overall socialist construction and our cause rapidly propelled, he called for materializing at an early date the far-reaching aspiration and ideal of our Party to bring earlier the V-day of socialism and communism by bringing about a great change in the three-revolution red flag movement and the three-revolution team work.

Speeches were made at the conference.

The conference continues amid the sincere and strong enthusiasm of the participants.

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